Voice Laser

Voice Laser Treatment

Voice Laser Treatment

Voice laser refers to a surgical procedure known as vocal cord laser surgery. It is performed to treat various voice disorders caused by abnormalities in the vocal cords. During this procedure, a focused laser beam is used to remove or reshape the tissue on the vocal cords, addressing conditions like vocal cord polyps, nodules, cysts, or scar tissue.

The laser allows for precise, controlled tissue removal, minimizing the impact on surrounding healthy tissue, which aids in faster recovery.

  • Vocal Cord Polyps: Growths on the vocal cords that can cause hoarseness and difficulty speaking.
  • Vocal Cord Nodules: Benign lumps caused by vocal strain that can impair voice quality.
  • Scar Tissue: Scar tissue on the vocal cords can result from previous surgeries, infections, or trauma.

Vocal cord laser surgery is typically done under general anesthesia. The recovery time depends on the severity of the procedure, but it is generally less invasive than traditional surgery. The goal is to restore vocal cord function, improve voice quality, and reduce hoarseness, allowing individuals to regain normal speech and vocal performance.

If you're struggling with voice issues, vocal cord laser surgery may be the solution to improving your voice quality and reducing discomfort.